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新南威尔士大学Raymond Wong博士学术报告

发布日期:2011-11-22  访问量:

报告题目: XML content optimization for mobile devices
报告人: Raymond Wong
报告时间: Nov. 28(周一) 3:30-5:00 pm
报告地点: 中国人民大学信息楼417

As mobile apps getting more and more sophisticated, the amount of bandwidth/memory/storage used for storing and processing the digital content and its auxiliary data structures becomes a major factor in the app performance. This seminar presents a cloud-based XML optimization scheme that supports all XML navigational operations in near constant time. In addition to supporting efficient queries, the space requirement of the proposed scheme is within a constant factor of the information theoretic minimum, while insertions and deletions can be performed in near constant time as well. As a result, the proposed structure features a small memory footprint that increases cache locality, whilst still supporting standard APIs, such as DOM, and necessary operations, such as queries and updates, efficiently. Analysis and experiments show that the proposed structure is space and time efficient. Finally, a series industry applications and benchmarks are discussed during the seminar.

Raymond Wong is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW) and involved in several start-up companies including the recent Cohesive Data Inc. He received his BSc from Australian National University, MPhil and PhD from Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, and held the Sir Edward Young Graduate Fellowship. After PhD, he was a postdoc at Stanford University and visiting scholar at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). At UNSW and University of Sydney, he has supervised more than 50 honours thesis students in 6 years, of which 6 of them obtained the prestigious University Medals. He has supervised more than 12 PhD graduates to successful completion. Most of his PhD graduates are now working in US and UK. During 2005-2010, he founded and chaired the database research group at National Information and Communication Technology Australia (NICTA). His research work at NICTA has obtained numerous best paper and industry awards including those from CeBIT and Engineers Australia. He has also active in the database research community and has chaired / been on PC committees of many international conferences / workshops. He has published more than 110 publications and several international patents.