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发布日期:2012-11-06  访问量:


袁丁(Ding Yuan)毕业于UIUC(导师Yuanyuan Zhou),主要研究方向为操作系统和系统可靠性。近年来在OSDI, ASPLOS, TOCS, SOSP, ICSE, FSE等计算机系统领域的顶级会议及期刊发表多篇论文,并多次获得或提名为最佳论文。

袁丁在博士期间关于故障诊断的工作引起了工业界的浓厚兴趣。他研发的系统被Google, EMC, NetApp, Cisco, Qualcomm, huawei等公司request for release (NetApp和Cisco已经投入资金开始合作)。 今年的Usenix System Management Workshop (MAD`12)也邀请袁丁做主题发言。

袁丁计划今年招收博士生(2013年入学),有意向的同学请联系:diyuan@cs.ucsd.edu,并欢迎参加他的学术报告会,与其当面交流。 袁丁的个人主页: http://web.engr.illinois.edu/~dyuan3/Home.html

讲座信息: 题目:基于日志的软件故障诊断 时间:2012年11月8日上午10:30-11:30 地点:信息楼417房间 摘要: When systems fail in the field, logged data are frequently the only evidence available for support engineers and developers to assess and diagnose the underlying cause. Consequently, the efficacy of such logging data is a matter of significant practical importance. We have empirically studied tens of thousands of log messages and hundreds of production failures from several widely-used systems, and built several tools for log automation and postmortem log analysis. In this talk, I will summarize our experiences on exploring questions such as ``How much do log messages really help in debugging?``, ``Are they good enough?``, ``What are the opportunities for improving log qualities?``, ``Can we automatically improve log messages?``, and ``How can we automate the log inference?``. The insights we learnt could also benefit programmers towards better designs of their software 关于多伦多大学计算机系及其他 多伦多大学的计算机科学与工程专业是全球top 10. 最近的US News & World Report以及上海交大世界大学排名分别将多伦多大学的计算机专业排为全球前十名: http://www.usnews.com/education/worlds-best-universities-rankings/best-universities-computer-science http://www.shanghairanking.com/SubjectCS2012.html

图灵奖得主,NP完全理论的提出者Stephen Cook就在多大任教。多大计算机专业也有很多杰出校友,包括多位在全球顶尖大学(例如MIT, Princeton, CMU, UC Berkeley, 等等)任教的教授以及图灵奖得主。多伦多大学的综合排名也在全球top 20. 在多大学习的研究生学费全免并提供RA资助。RA学生还可以同时做TA,一般中国留学生的收入每月能在2000-2500刀以上。
